Brand X Brokerage and Sales

Customer Testimonials

The only person/shop I trust with my boat work! Now the only one to sell it too!

Georg K.

Does honest, good work. Takes care as if it was his own and has many years of experience. His work and travels speak volumes.

John V.

Honesty, ability and work ethic, the best!

Butch C.

Awesome guy with a wealth of knowledge and honest.

William B.

The team at Brand X is experienced, professional and the absolute best in the business. You can't go wrong with "BRAND-X."

Justin W.

A+ work. My boat has never ran so good. We have completed 11 runs with out any major issues.

Nate M.

These guys seem to really be on top of their game. It's much appreciated. Thank You

Charles N.

Great people and service! The one-stop shop for service, storage and any performance boating issues you might have! Jason, Joey and Andrew are the best.

Greg H.

It does not get any better than Jason and crew of BRAND X!

James C.
